WORKS / おいでよ!絵本ミュージアム 2021

WORKS / Welcome! EHON Museum 2021

主要用途: 展示会場構成


クレジット: 主催: 福岡アジア美術館、西日本新聞社、TNCテレビ西日本、子ども文化コミュニティ
三和化工、大日本タイポ組合、MAYA MAXX

所在・会場: 福岡 博多

延床面積: 892m2

設計期間: 2021.04-2021.07

施工期間: 2021.07

会期: 2021.07.15- 2021.08.22

写真: 小川真輝



本展では、エリアごとに絵本やアーティストを取り上げ、その世界観に入り込むような展示とした。 エントランスに展開するMAYA MAXXによる巨大な洞窟壁画を抜けると、本展のメインビジュアルにも採用された青色のオランウータンが振り子時計のように揺れながら来場者を出迎える。「わたしのワンピース」では、柄が次々と変わるうさぎさんになったり、自分で描いたワンピースの模様をうさぎさんに着せたりと絵本のシーンを体感できる。本展のために新たに作られた表裏両方から読めるひらがなや、見る角度によって違うひらがなになる十字のパネルが、大日本タイポによるもじかけ絵本「かな」の文字の世界を生み出す。「どっとこどうぶつ」では、作者による新作のどっとこどうぶつを立体化し展示した。「せん」では来場者がエリアを歩くと軌跡が床に投影され、楽器の音が聞こえてくる。もこもこソファや石巻工房のAAスツール、だんだんベンチといったトラフがデザインしたアイテムを点在させることで、展示会場内に思い思いに座ったり、絵本を広げたりできる居場所をつくった。造作什器には段ボールを使用することで本との親和性を図り、会期後の資源化に配慮している。


Principle use: Exhibition


Credit: Organized : Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, The NISHINIPPON SHIMBUN Co., Ltd., Television Nishinippon Corporation, NPO Community of the Arts & Culture with and for Children
Interactive work for “My Miracle Dress” and “Lines”: plaplax, Direction of Cardboard fixtures:, Graphics Design: aoirodesign ,Graphics Production: Fujimoto signs, Models: Takamasa Sumi SANWA KAKO, Dainippon Type Organization, MAYAMAXX Site area: Hakata, Fukuoka

Total floor area: 892m2

Design period: 2021.04-2021.07

Construction period: 2021.07

Duration: 2021.07.15-2021.08.2

Photo: Masaki Ogawa


The interior plan for “Welcome! EHON Museum”, an exhibition held in the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. This exhibition has been held every summer since 2007 as a cultural project for children. It has an exhibition area where visitors can experience EHONs (picture books) and stories and a library where 1000 picture books welcome them. In 2021, the 15th year of the theme of "the power of EHONs", we designed a venue where visitors can enjoy communication and explore new EHONs in the world of EHONs, while also taking countermeasures against COVID-19.

In this exhibition, each area features an EHON or an artist to let visitors immerse themselves in the world. Going through the huge cave painted by MAYAMAXX at the entrance, the visitors are welcomed by the blue orangutan swinging like a pendulum clock, which is also featured as the main visual of this exhibition. In the "My Miracle Dress” area, visitors can experience the scenes of the EHON through becoming a rabbit whose dress pattern changes one after another, or having the rabbit wear a dress pattern which they draw on it. The hiraganas that were newly created for this exhibition and can be read from both the front and back and the cross-shaped panels that become different hiraganas from different viewing angles, create the world of the Japanese characters of the EHON "Kana" by Dainippon Type Organization. The "DOTTKO ZOO” area exhibits the DOTTOKO ANIMAL newly created by the author in 3D. In the "Lines" area, when visitors walk there, their walking trajectories are projected on the floor, and the sound of musical instruments follow them. The items designed by TORAFU such as MOKOMOKO SOFA, AA STOOLs from Ishinomaki Laboratory, and DANDAN BENCHes dotted in the exhibition hall make spots where visitors can sit and relax to read EHONs as needed. Using cardboard for the fixture makes a consistent image with books and contributes to resource recycling after the session.

We planned to create an exhibition which visitors can relax and get familiar with EHON in various ways in the venue, where the experience-based exhibition and the library are blended.