WORKS / エルメス 2013A/W スキーコレクション ウィンドウディスプレイ

WORKS / Hermès 2013A/W Ski Collection Window Display

主要用途: ディスプレイデザイン

所在・会場: 札幌、東京、名古屋、大阪 全6店舗にて

会期: 2013.11-2014.01

写真: Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Hermès Japon

雪の降り積もった山や氷のはった湖、森の風景などを背景に、窓枠に雪の積もった窓枠、テーブルセット、スキー板など、断片的な室内要素が、スキーを終えた人、あるいはこれから出かけてゆく人の優雅な時間を想像させる。 また、パースペクティブにゆがめられた窓枠や扉、奥行きを狭めるようにゆがんだ椅子やテーブルは、スペースの狭いウィンドウの中にも不思議な奥行き感を生み出している。

Principle use: DISPLAY DESIGN

Building site: Sapporo, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, 6 stores in total

Duration: 2013.11-2014.01

Photo: Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Hermès Japon

We created a window display for skiing collection that will be deployed at six locations in Japan under Hermès yearly theme in 2013: "Chic, le sport!" The display showcases beautifully designed skiwear that not only provides the functionality required for winter sports, but is also elegant. As such, we thought of presenting scenes of time to savour the joy of the mountain with or without skis..
Fragmentary interior elements, such as snow-laden window sills, a table set and a pair of skis framing a person returning from the slopes or about to go out skiing evoke such gracious moments against a winter backdrop featuring snow-covered mountains, frozen lakes and woodlands, etc.
Furthermore, the window- and door-frames as well as the table and chairs are distorted by perspective to narrow their depth, thus creating an altered sense of depth within the narrow confines of the display window.
We sought to create a world outlook embodied by anelegant interior winter scenery in which various products will be showcased at six locations in Japan for a period of two months.