WORKS / イソップ 神戸BAL店

WORKS / Aesop Kobe BAL

主要用途: 物販店舗

施工: アンドエス

クレジット: グラフィック:Aesop/照明計画: BRANCH lighting design

所在・会場: 神戸BAL,神戸

延床面積: 63m2

設計期間: 2016.11-2017.01

施工期間: 2017.02-2017.03

写真: 太田拓実



様々な文化を受け入れる玄関口として栄えてきた港町神戸には、今もなお古い石造りの洋館が残っており、ノスタルジックな雰囲気が漂う。そんな街の様子から、メインマテリアルは上質な質感の磁器質タイルを選んだ。床から立ち上がる曲面壁が連続的に空間を囲むことで、一体感のある滑らかな構成を試みた。 どの曲面においてもタイルの密度を均一に見せるため、14mm角のタイルに対して、目地は幅広の6mmとした。きめが細かく一粒一粒焼き色の違うタイルが織り成す表情は、光を柔らかく反射し空間に奥行きを持たせる。 中央の大きなカウンターは、床・壁が一体となった空間の中で動的な回遊を可能とする、三角形をベースにした曲線的な形とし、POSとシンクの二つの機能を集約させた。カウンターの天板には腐食させた銅板を使用し、タイルとの新鮮な対比によって存在感を放つ。


Production: &S

Credit: Aesop / Lighting design: BRANCH lighting design

Building site: Kobe BAL, KOBE

Total floor area: 63m2

Design period: 2016.11-2017.01

Construction period: 2017.02-2017.03

Photo: Takumi Ota


We performed the interior design for a store by Aesop, an Australian skin care brand, located in the Kobe BAL shopping center. Set to open in a newly renovated shopping mall, the site is 8.2m wide by 8.4m deep with a height of 4m, and features a skeleton ceiling.

The port city of Kobe is a flourishing multicultural hub where Western-style stone buildings still remain, which gives it a certain nostalgic atmosphere. Inspired by the city's architectural legacy, we chose a high-quality porcelain tile as the main material for this project. We then sought to obtain a uniform and smooth composition with a curved wall rising from the floor and surrounding the space in a continuous manner. In order to present a uniform tile density on any given curved surface, we settled on 14mm square tiles and 6mm-wide joints. Minute variations in pigmentation which occur during the baking process give the tiles a weaving pattern that softly diffuses light, thus lending a sense of depth to the space. The large counter found at the center of the store aggregates the two functions of point-of-sale (POS) and sink, while its curvy shape mounted on a triangular base allows for a dynamic line of flow to emerge amid a space characterized by unity in the floor and walls. Furthermore, the counter features a weathered copper top plate which stands out against the texture of the new tiles.

Through our creative use of materials and innovative design, we sought to create a space that would set apart Aesop's first retail store in Kobe from its surroundings, while clearly conveying the company's brand image.