WORKS / 血の婚礼

WORKS / Blood Wedding

主要用途: 舞台美術

施工: C―COM舞台装置

クレジット: 主催: ホリプロ、 原作:フェデリコ・ガルシーア・ロルカ、 翻訳:田尻陽一、 演出:杉原邦生、 音楽:角銅真実、古川 麦、 照明:齋藤茂男、 音響:稲住祐平(エス・シー・アライアンス)、 衣裳:早川すみれ(KiKi inc.)、 ヘアメイク:国府田圭、 振付:長谷川風立子(プロジェクト大山)、 振付補:池田 遼(少年王者舘/おしゃれ紳士)、 殺陣:六本木康弘、 歌唱指導:都乃、 演出助手:河合範子、矢本翼子(TSUMIKI)、 舞台監督:足立充章

所在・会場: Bunkamuraシアターコクーン、梅田芸術劇場シアター・ドラマシティ

延床面積: 252.4㎡

設計期間: 2022.06-2022.09

施工期間: 2022.09

会期: 2022.09.15- 2021.10.16

写真: 宮川舞子、サカザキユウマ





Principle use: STAGE SET

Production: C―COM Stage Setting

Credit: Organized : HoriPro, Original Story:Federico García Lorca, Translation:Yoichi Tajiri, Direction:Kunio Sugihara, Music: Manami Kakudo, Baku Furukawa, Lighting: Shigeo Saito, Sound: Yuhei Inazumi (S.C.ALLIANCE), Costume Design: Sumire Hayakawa (KiKi inc.), Hair and Make-up: Kei Kunifuda, Choreographyer: Satsuko Hasegawa (project oh!yama), Assistant Choreograper: Ryo Ikeda (Shonen Oujakan/Oshareshinshi), Swordfight arranger: Yasuhiro Roppongi, Singing Instruction: Tono, Assistant Director: Noriko Kawai, Tsubasa Yamoto (TSUMIKI), Stage Manager: Mitsuaki Adachi

Building site: Bunkamura THEATER COCOON, Umeda Art Theater Drama City

Total floor area: 252.4㎡

Design period: 2022.06-2022.09

Construction period: 2022.09

Duration: 2022.07.19- 2021.08.28

Photo: Maiko Miyakawa, Yuma Sakazaki


We worked on the stage design for the play "Blood Wedding (Bodas de sangre)" performed at Bunkamura Theater Cocoon and Umeda ARTS THEATER Theater Drama City. The sensual classic tragedy by legendary Spanish playwright, Federico García Lorca, was written in 1932 based on a true story that happened in Andalusia. This work, which has been performed repeatedly all over the world, has been created as a completely new " Blood Wedding " through direction by Kunio Sugihara.

Red soil covers the stage floor entirely, which is reminiscent of the wilderness of southern Spain. In Act One, four white walls with a height of 3.6 meters are erected, in front of the audience and one-third of the way upstage. Black lines run irregularly vertically and horizontally on the four walls, giving the viewer a sense of oppression and enclosure. Lowering the lights and the baton to the upper part of the wall creates a state of expression while illuminating the stage. There are three openings on the walls, designed so that the actors could push them from inside to go backstage. After a break, in Act Two where the walls disappear, a hill rises toward the back of the stage and three green tree trunks appear on top of it. A live band also appears in the background, playing music in sync with the actors' movements. In the final scene, the story escalates rapidly as the actors are covered in mud performing intensely on a set with nothing but red clay on the stage.

Based on the model of the theater, we had many discussions with the director and created the stage design together. We aimed to express the world view of a classical play through embodying images from the stage directions and script in the walls and floors.