WORKS / エッグ座布団


主要用途: 展覧会作品


所在・会場: BankART1929 Yokohama

設計期間: 2006.01-02

施工期間: 2006.02

会期: 2006.02.24-03.14

写真: トラフ建築設計事務所

横浜のBankARTで行われた展覧会「食と現代美術 part2—美食同源」に出品作家として参加した。エッグチェアというアルネ・ヤコブセンによる名作椅子があるが、日本の生活スタイルに合わせて「エッグ座布団」なるものを考えた。

7個×7個=49個の卵からなる座布団で、この上に座ると、その姿はまるで鶏が卵を温めているかのように見える。見た目のユニークさに目を奪われるが、体圧分 散効果の優れた高密度低反発ウレタンフォーム素材を使用しているので、おしり腰にかかる負担を軽減する高機能な座布団である。



Principle use: ART WORK

Production: A・PLANNING

Building site: BankART1929 Yokohama

Design period: 2006.01-02

Construction period: 2006.02

Duration: 2006.02.24-03.14


For the exhibition "Food and Modern Art pt.2" held at BankART in Yokohama, we contrived "Egg Zabuton," inspired by Arne Jacobsen's masterpiece "Egg Chair," considering that a zabuton (flat cushion to be used on the floor) would be more suitable than a chair for Japanese way of life.

Egg Zabuton is composed of 49 (7x7) "eggs." It looks like you are hatching eggs when you sit on it. It is not only unique enough to draw attention, but is tremendously functional with highly dense low-repulsion polyurethane foam to reduce pressure on your hips.

On the exhibition, we placed 300 paper egg packs on the wall around Egg Zabutons to make them look like they had fallen from the wall.

During the session, it was also available for the customers of Bunmeido's tea room in Isesaki Mall to actually sit on them.