WORKS / エルメス「8cm タイ」特別ウィンドウディスプレイ

WORKS / Hermès "8cm Tie" Special Window Display

主要用途: ディスプレイデザイン

所在・会場: エルメス丸の内店/エルメスヒルトンプラザ店

延床面積: 5.1m2

会期: エルメス丸の内店:2012.09.25-10.15/エルメスヒルトンプラザ店:2012.10.05-10.25

写真: Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Hermès Japon




Principle use: DISPLAY DESIGN

Building site: Hermès boutique in Marunouchi / Hermès boutique in Hilton plaza

Total floor area: 5.1m2

Duration: Hermès boutique in Marunouchi: 2012.09.25-10.15 /Hermès boutique in Hilton plaza: 2012.10.05-10.25

Photo: Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Hermès Japon

We designed the shop windows for ‘8cm Tie” at Hermès boutique in Marunouchi and Hilton plaza.

Like the picture book story of ‘Swimmy’, we thought about how we can gather many individual thin ties together to create the shape of a large tie as well as a house. We also included ties made from felt to accent the colorful image of this tie series. In the small display windows we set up the ties upside down to resemble the shapes of houses, and little worlds are created around the ties as we placed miniature objects placed around it.

We maximized the tie’s characteristic shape and reconsidered it in a different scale in order to stage these windows to create new ways to view the tie.