WORKS / Maison Hirotaka 麻布台ヒルズ店

WORKS / Maizon Hirotaka Azabudai Hills

主要用途: 物販店舗



所在・会場: 東京 麻布台

延床面積: 66.2m2

設計期間: 2022.4-2023.8

施工期間: 2023.9-2023.10

写真: 太田拓実


ジュエリーブランド「Maison Hirotaka(メゾン ヒロタカ)」の麻布台ヒルズの内装計画。森ビルが手掛ける新しい街「麻布台ヒルズ」タワープラザ2階の、角丸のコーナーを持つ区画が今回の敷地となった。



Principle use: SHOP

Production: D.BRAIN

Credit: Lighting design: BRANCH LIGHTING DESIGN / Shop VMD design: PALMETTO INOUE Maki Izutsu

Building site: Tokyo Azabudai

Total floor area: 66.2m2

Design period: 2022.4-2023.8

Construction period: 2023.9-2023.10

Photo: Takumi Ota


Interior design for “Maison Hirotaka”, the Azabudai Hills store of the jewelry brand Hirotaka.
This project is located on a site with rounded corners on the 2nd floor of Tower Plaza in Azabudai Hills, a new town developed by Mori Building Co., Ltd.

The walls and ceiling of the common area have organic, ribbon-like lines, and we set the concept for the fixtures in the store as an organic image with soft curves in response to the lines in the common area walls and ceiling. These fixtures are matched with square, hard glass cases for contrast. Their rounded shapes, like pebbles, are made of FRP base material, gloss-coated white and black masses, and solid wood.
The 3-meter-high ceiling has 300 mm-deep folds in four locations. The lights are located in the folds to make a light ring, that gives the space a sense of dynamism. Since the rear of the store showcases the high-end product lineups, we set an enclosed area where customers can relax and view the products. A curved sofa with a round backrest and conical spread was installed in the corner. On the upper part of the wall, a pendant light made of FRP material gently illuminates. Inside the store, the angled mirror reflects the surrounding environment, creating an inscrutable space. An orange cashmere carpet covers the floor to give customers a softer feeling when they step into the area from the hard tile of the common space.

We aimed to create a space with a retro-futuristic feel, through the fixtures and ceiling with their generous and organic forms.