WORKS / ミナ ペルホネン「ナツミナ」

WORKS / minä perhonen "natsuminä"

主要用途: 展示ブース

施工: 東京スタデオ

所在・会場: 伊勢丹新宿店本館1階ザ・ステージ

延床面積: 77.8m2

設計期間: 2012.04-06

施工期間: 2012.06.12

会期: 2012.06.13-19

写真: 吉次史成


伊勢丹新宿店本館1階の「ザ・ステージ」で行われた、ミナ ペルホネンによる期間限定展示会の会場構成。


両サイドの柱周りに設置したブースには、ミナ ペルホネンの「fujisans」というテキスタイルパターンを壁面に貼り込むことで空間に彩を与える。小物の商品が並ぶ棚は、スケールの異なるベンチを積み重ねたデザインとし、実際に下駄の試し履き用の腰掛けとしても機能する。


Principle use: DISPLAY BOOTH

Production: TOKYO STUDIO

Building site: ISETAN SHINJUKU 1F "The Stage"

Total floor area: 77.8m2

Design period: 2012.04-06

Construction period: 2012.06.12

Duration: 2012.06.13-19

Photo: Fuminari Yoshitsugu


We dressed the exhibition site, “The Stage”, located on the first floor of the Isetan’s Shinjuku Main Store for a temporary exhibition by minä perhonen.

This fifth installment is themed “Natsumina” (the meaning of natsu is ‘summer’ in Japanese), and since the main feature is the yukata (a summer kimono) in 10 different fabric patterns, we arranged the dressed mannequins around the central booth. We also hung light bulbs and wind chimes to project the image of a lively summer festival.

We covered the booths built around the pillars on each side of the space with minä perhonen’s “fujisans” textile pattern. Small products are displayed on shelves created from stacking benches of different scales, which also functions as seating for trying on the geta (Japanese wooden clogs).

During the day of construction, Mr. Minagawa, founder of minä perhonen, made hand drawings of the “choucho”, butterflies that are symbolic to the brand in the exhibition space. He also drew the exhibition’s title on the booths as well as patterns on the light bulbs. These graphics accent the space, and tell us of the importance of working with hands, which is the brand’s image.