WORKS / オープン・ハウス


主要用途: 展示ブース

施工: ハクテン/IKEYA

所在・会場: 東京ビッグサイト

延床面積: 81m2

設計期間: 2004.08-11

施工期間: 2004.11

会期: 2004.11.24-27

写真: 中川敦玲




例えば、緑あふれる中庭に開いた半屋外のダイニングキッチン。例えば、プライベートなインナーテラスと一体化したバスルーム。「うち」と「そと」を繋いで、より快適な空間をつくりだす。「インテリア」は、もはや住まいの内側だけで語れる時代ではなくなっています。今回、東京電力では、「Life Style自由化計画」と題して既成概念にとらわれない自由なライフスタイル空間をオール電化システムで提案してみました。オール電化システムが、ライフスタイルを自由にしていく。そんな住まい作りの時代がやってこようとしています。

Principle use: DISPLAY BOOTH

Production: HAKUTEN / IKEYA

Building site: TOKYO BIG SIGHT

Total floor area: 81m2

Design period: 2004.08-2004.11

Construction period: 2004.11

Duration: 2004.11.24-11.27

Photo: Nobuaki Nakagawa

This project is a temporary booth (4days) for TEPCO at an interior design festival held in Tokyo Big Sight.Unlike other booths which were for promoting specific products the TEPCO booth was to promote a new lifestyle living with electricity.It was to include the IH electric stove, floor heating and hot water supply ,there would be demonstrations and customers could move about freely.

For this open-house like event we decided to literally make a house which opened. We thought this idea suited TEPCO’s new logo “Switch!” as we felt there was a relationship between flicking a switch and the house opening up.

For an interior festival we daringly focused on the exterior of our booth as well as the interior to explore the relationship between the two. The structure may at first look quite simple but in fact when one is inside the booth one can feel the dynamic composition continuously confronted with the interior exterior relationship.