WORKS / パパブブレ ルミネエスト新宿店


主要用途: 物販店舗

施工: イシマル

クレジット: 照明計画/モデュレックス 、硝子ランプシェード/山野アンダーソン陽子

所在・会場: 東京 新宿

延床面積: 13.67m2

設計期間: 2017.06-2017.12

施工期間: 2018.01

写真: 太田拓実


JR新宿駅コンコース内の10㎡ほどの小さな区画にオープンした、スペイン発のアート・キャンディ・ショップ パパブブレの店舗内装計画。



Principle use: SHOP

Production: ISHIMARU

Credit: ModuleX / Glass lamp shade: Yoko Andersson Yamano

Site area: Shinjuku, Tokyo

Total floor area: 13.67m2

Design period: 2017.06-2017.12

Construction period: 2018.01

Photo: Takumi Ota


papabubble, is a Spanish candy artisan, which opened a small art-candy-boutique on a tiny 10m2 lot inside the concourse of the JR Shinjuku station in 2013 and for which we performed renovations for the store's fifth year in operation.

Using the lot's lack of depth to our advantage, we planned to use the whole store as one big signboard by applying irregular candy shapes seen in the candy making process on the entire back wall surface to create a large mural. The mural is made of marble mosaic tiles, and in some places, golden tiles are arranged to look like candy. We accentuated the expressivity of materials such as wood, metal and glass found in the checkout counter to convey a high-quality brand image. Also, the irregular form of the three pendant lightings suspended above the counter was inspired by the shape of candy before it solidifies.

Despite its small footprint, we sought to create an eye-catching store within a busy station environment by using the entire back wall surface as a large mural.